Contracts that are appropriate for you
When you enter into a contract, you document the agreements reached by the parties. It is essential that your contract fits the needs of your organisation and situation and makes the arrangements you intended. If a conflict should unfortunately arise, having a sound contract and clear-cut rules and policies put you in a strong position in any negotiations or court proceedings. That requires a tailored approach.
However, in practice it is all too common to only ‘dig up’ the contract again after a conflict has arisen between the parties. That is when it becomes clear how important it is to have a contract that is unambiguously worded and covers all eventualities. It is also important to update the contract during its term of applicability and amend it to take account of legislative changes.
Since the Supreme Court’s ruling of 6 November 2020, it is clear that the intention of the parties is not relevant to the qualification as to whether an agreement is an employment contract or not. However, the parties’ intention is important when interpreting what exactly the parties have agreed upon. This demonstrates the great value of advice on the approach to negotiations, as well as the need to set out the intentions and agreements clearly on paper. By means of clearly formulated contracts, clear (labour) conditions, protocols and regulations, many problems can be prevented.
Our lawyers draw up specific or model contracts, regulations and policies tailored to your needs, negotiate on your behalf, and conduct litigation, both in individual and group actions. Our lawyers are not just experts in employment contracts; they also know all about contracts to perform services.
The following keywords define the issues in contracts:
• Flexible employment relationships
• Collective labour agreements
• On-call contracts
• Noncompetition and client protection clauses
• Integrity policy
• Complaints procedure
• Payroll services
• The self-employed with no staff
• Privacy in the employment relationship
• Secondment (including abroad)
• Flexible working hours
• Leave schemes
• Holiday entitlements
• Working on after retirement age
• Social media in the employment relationship
• The New Way of Working
• Probationary period
• Training costs
• Bonus schemes
• Executives’ Pay (Standards) Act (WNT)
• Whistleblowers
• Working conditions
• Management agreement
• Contract to perform services
A good contract requires a tailored approach
If you have a query or would like to know more,
feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you. If you fill in the contact form, we will phone back. Of course you can also contact one of our specialists directly.